Saturday 22 November 2008

Logo Analysis

Above is a logo of a popular skate company called, “CSeven Studios.” First of all I will comment on the colour used in the logo. The logo uses shades of grey against a white background, which is a major contrast that allows the logo to stand out. There is also a slight gradient used in the bottom right hand corner of the main logo, which gives a smooth and sleek effect. There is a silhouette of a skateboarder within the centre of the logo, which draws the viewer’s attention to the centre of the logo at first glance. The shape of the main logo is of a C and a 7 combined. This is clever though it can be hard to make out at first glance.
The type used in the logo is simple yet effective and is also small and easy to read. It has been positioned neatly between the end of the 7 and the end of the C. Overall this logo is effective, it stands out and would be just as effective if blown up to a large size but as the silhouette of the skateboarder is quite detailed it may not look as effective if shrunk to a smaller size.

Above is a logo of a snowboarding company, “CapturetheRide.” First of all I will comment on the use of the silhouettes of the camera and the snowboarder. Once again these are both effective as It captures the viewers attention. Once again though, the problem with small, detailed silhouettes is when they are shrunk to a smaller size they can become harder to view. I also noticed the beam coming from the camera lens. This is effective because at first the viewer’s attention is drawn to the camera, the beam then allows the viewers sight to be lead to the snowboarder.
The colours used in the logo are simple; they simply consist of blacks with a white background, which is effective as it’s a major contrast, and enable each element of the logo to stand out.
The next element of the logo that is brought to my attention is the type. The text is bold and creates impact when read. The word, “the,” has been placed vertically which helps shape the logo. This has been done because the word would have been hard to fit into the logo if it was to be placed horizontally. Also I notice the small text underneath the main text, its smaller as it is less important yet still readable.

The next logo is of a designer called, Adam Marshall. The first element of the logo that comes to my attention is the silhouette of the tree. The viewer’s sight is first brought to the tree then is lead down to the main logo. The style of the text is futuristic as the corners look pixelated, which is related to computers and technology. This tells the viewer of the logo that the designer may be related to some kind of electronic design. There are two colours within the main text, light grey and black. Once again the colours are simple and the colour stands out from the white background allowing the logo to stand out.

All three logos are visually attractive. They each contain imagery in the style of silhouettes. The silhouette in each of these logos is used to catch the viewers’ attention and sight, thus allowing their vision to be lead to the main element of the logo.
Each logo would be effective if blown up to any size though due to the detailed silhouettes, each logo would be hard to read and less effective if shrunk to a smaller size.

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