Friday 24 October 2008

Above is a link to a tutorial based website. The website enables users of design based programs to search and locate a tutorial of their choice. On the site are option boxes and a search engine to allow the user to easily locate their tutorial. As a student of Visual Design I find this website extremely useful because it allows me to locate any tutorial that I like for any design program. The website has tutorials for all major design software such as

Adobe Design Suite
Paintshop Pro

Tutorialized is also useful as it breaks down each program choice into categories, E.g. If you were to select Photoshop tutorials it will give you options for which specific tutorial you would like, you are able to select from a variety of specific tutorials from textures to image and text effects The site also gives opportunity for the user to submit their own tutorials.

Tutorialized can be located through simply searching through a search engine of your choice. Tutorialized is a popular site and is usually the top result of the search, “design tutorials.” The website can also be located through advertisements on other web sites.

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